近日,国际药学联合会(FIP)在其全球网站(www.fip.org)开设了“Pharmacy in China”专栏(https://www.fip.org/pharmacy-in-china),其中刊登了由中国药学专家最新撰写的9个药学专家共识,分享给全球的400多万药师、药学科研工作者和药学教育专家。2023年1月,省药学会副理事长兼秘书长郑志华与FIP中国总代表、FIP院士陈征宇联合在FIP官方杂志《International Pharmacy Journal》发表了 "Surgical pharmacy — a new specialty to expand pharmacists’ role in surgical care"一文,向国际药学界介绍了外科药学这一新兴学科,此次登载的7个专家共识专注于外科药学领域,因此网站专门增设了“外科药学”专栏。
① “Clinical pharmacists' pharmaceutical care for postoperative pain in Guangdong Province”
② "Guidelines on integrated surgical pharmaceutical managements for immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in malignancy"
③ "Long-term management of immunosuppressants in Chinese renal transplant recipients"
④ "Perioperative medication therapy management within enhanced recovery after surgery programmes"
⑤ "Physician-pharmacist co-management of perioperative blood glucose",
⑥ "Precision medicine by surgical pharmacists for oncology in the perioperative period"
⑦ "Surgical pharmacy practice of parenteral and enteral nutrition"